• Creative,  Repurposing,  Upcycling

    Upcycle a Suitcase into a Bathroom Cabinet

    Up-cycling is very popular today, and one item that has gained a lot of traction recently is the up-cycling of vintage suitcases into various useful items, including a bathroom cabinet. This project is not too difficult to make and almost anyone can do it, although you may need someone to help hold the suitcase as you mount it. Items Required Some of the items you may require to up-cycle your vintage suitcase could include: Vintage Suitcase Wood for Shelving Drill Screwdriver Nuts or Screws Glue/Glue Gun Scissors or Utility Knife Fabric Cardboard Old Maps Spirit Level Instructions 1. Clean your Suitcase This step will vary greatly depending on the condition…

  • Inspirational,  Life

    Helen Keller Taught Us about Creative Thinking

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us. ~ Helen Keller ~ Born in Tuscumbia, Alabama in 1880, Helen Keller was only 19 months old when she lost her sight and hearing due to what the doctors called “an acute congestion of the stomach and the brain”. These days her illness probably would have been labelled Scarlet Fever or Meningitis – both which could now be treated, but back then they often had severe consequences. Helen was an extremely intelligent child who became aware of her difference…