
  • Inspirational,  Life,  Nature

    The Mighty Sunflower

    “Sunflowers are a symbolto remind us to follow our instinct;Follow our joy, follow what lights us up.”~ Avia ~ The sunflower’s name comes from its tendency to reposition itself to face the sun. Its genus, Helianthus, is rooted in two Greek words — “helios” meaning sun and “anthos” meaning flower. The ancient Greek myth of Apollo and Clytie is one explanation of why sunflowers turn towards the sun. In this story Clytie (a water nymph), adored Apollo. At first, he loved her back, but soon he fell in love with Leucothoe. Because of her jealousy, Clytie told Leucothoe’s father of the relationship and he punished her by burying her alive.…

  • Inspirational,  Life

    Helen Keller Taught Us about Creative Thinking

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us. ~ Helen Keller ~ Born in Tuscumbia, Alabama in 1880, Helen Keller was only 19 months old when she lost her sight and hearing due to what the doctors called “an acute congestion of the stomach and the brain”. These days her illness probably would have been labelled Scarlet Fever or Meningitis – both which could now be treated, but back then they often had severe consequences. Helen was an extremely intelligent child who became aware of her difference…